Heating Your Home in the Winter Months






As the winter months are here, we want to help you ensure that your home is heating properly. Unfortunately, there are many myths that come along with this. Don’t be confused about what’s normal and what’s a cause for concern, get the facts below:


My system is making noises in the cold weather, this means my unit is breaking down.


Fans, often times, go on and off in the winter causing the system to making a loud, whooshing noise. This is because the units freeze and then have to defrost to maintain the unit’s heating efficiency by switching modes.


Something that looks like smoke is coming out of my unit, this is a big cause for concern.


This is actually not necessarily an issue. Sometimes systems have to undergo the defrost cycle, which con produce steam and the ice in the outdoor coil melts. The steam will rise from the unit and when the fan turns back on at the end of the cycle a burst of steam will rise from the unit all at once.


Systems should not have water surrounding them. If there is any present, call an AC company as soon as possible!


Following the Defrost cycle. ice will melt and may cause water to accumulate around the system. If the water becomes excessive, give us a call but if it’s just a bit of it, it’s likely not a issue.

Is Maintenance Necessary in the Winter?

YES. We use AC units all year long and many homes use heat pump systems for their heating needs. If units are not cooling and heating efficiently, costs to heat your home will rise. Thus, in order to keep your energy bills low, maintenance is still needed to ensure your unit is running as efficiently as possible.

See how you can prevent extra costs of repairs with a maintenance agreement
Learn how to save on your next power bill with our tips for energy conservation